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Sport Integrity Unit

Maintaining and Enhancing Sport Integrity

The word "integrity" means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles or the quality of being undivided. Remaining integrity of sport means remaining sport valuable without disrupted by threats of any kind.

The JSC launched the Sport Integrity Unit in 2014 as a measure to protect integrity in sport against threats such as doping, violence, harassment and lack of governance of sports organizations.

Aiming at maintaining and enhancing integrity of sport and sports organizations, the JSC Sport Integrity Unit conducts programs in the areas of fight against doping, strengthening governance and compliance, and ensuring safe environment for athletes. 

Examination on threaes to the  integrity of sport Doping,Match fixing/manipulation,Anti-social behavior,Violence and harassment,Racial discrimination,Corruption,Pressure on autonomy of sport,Lack of governance and compliance

Source :Australian Sports commission; Oxford Research A/S(2010) Examination on Threaes to the integrity of sports.

Three Programs at the Sport Integrity Unit


•Doping investigation (intelligence activities)
•Awareness raising campaigns
•Information gathering on leading doping investigation programs overseas         
•Management of the Japan Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel
Reporting PlatformLanguage: Japanese
Reporting Platform Leaflet(For non-Japanese speaker)(PDF:5.79MB)

 stop doping

Governance and Compliance

•Monitoring national sports organizations to assist in improving their quality of governance
•Collecting, analyzing and providing information on activities related to enhancing governance and compliance of sporting organizations in Japan and overseas
•Programs to prevent improper activities or behavior that threaten sport integrity (e.g. provision of education program for sports organizations.)

Independent Consultation Program against violence and harassment for top athletes

•Management of the independent consultation and investigation program against violence and harassment in sports coaching for top athletes in Japan

Make a report (only for elite athletes in Japan)


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